
Hello, thank-you for stopping by to take a look at my blog.

Apologies in advance! I am not very disciplined when it comes to this blogging lark so if I seem a little disorganised , or i have not updated it for months, even years.. it is most probably due to my lack of IT skills/ organisation/ lazyness!

Love Lottie x

Thursday 19 August 2010

David Nash

I am so lucky that I live so Close to the Yorkshire Sculpture park, however I never seem to find to visit very often. I made an extra effort today to go and see the David Nash exhibition which is currently on....


How could I forget Mablethorpe!!!

I went away at the end of July for a couple of days...Cleethorpes is a really underated place, very traditional in a good way. Here are a few photos I mananged to take whilst I was out and about.

Friday 13 August 2010

Is there anybody there?.........

Oh has been way too long since I posted anything..I have played around with the nw settings and thought it was about time for a change. Hopefully this will motivate me to update more regularly! I will try and sort some pics and add a few things to show a little what has been going on in my world....I am afraid it won't be for the full year and a half though (maybe a good thing!)