
Hello, thank-you for stopping by to take a look at my blog.

Apologies in advance! I am not very disciplined when it comes to this blogging lark so if I seem a little disorganised , or i have not updated it for months, even years.. it is most probably due to my lack of IT skills/ organisation/ lazyness!

Love Lottie x

Sunday 4 December 2011

Donna Wilson at YSP

I went to see the new Donna Wilson exhibiton at the Sculpture Park this morning. Miserable day so the park was lovely and quiet; perfect for a mooch without the hoards of folk.
Donna Wilson's work is so bright and quirky, it really brought a smile to my face and made me want to pick my knitting needles up again!
As a little Christmas treat for myself (again!) I have booked onto Donna's Cushion workshop in February..can't wait!