
Hello, thank-you for stopping by to take a look at my blog.

Apologies in advance! I am not very disciplined when it comes to this blogging lark so if I seem a little disorganised , or i have not updated it for months, even years.. it is most probably due to my lack of IT skills/ organisation/ lazyness!

Love Lottie x

Monday 30 January 2012

Sew Busy!

I have been trying my best to get on and make things for my up coming craft fair on the 10th March @ Barnsley civic. Not easy! Anyway here are a few bits and bobs for starters....please feel free to comment and give me feedback!

Thursday 5 January 2012

Hello 2012!

Goodbye 2011 and hello shiny, new 2012! I haven't made any new years resolutions but I am going to try and get more 'crafty' this year. I have a few things in the pipeline...Donna Wilson workshop at YSP in February, a neon lighting workshop in the spring and I have just signed up to do a craft fair in March... It is a long time since I went down that route but it will hopefully get me into gear for adding some handcrafted items for the little etsy shop. So many ideas, so little time!