
Hello, thank-you for stopping by to take a look at my blog.

Apologies in advance! I am not very disciplined when it comes to this blogging lark so if I seem a little disorganised , or i have not updated it for months, even years.. it is most probably due to my lack of IT skills/ organisation/ lazyness!

Love Lottie x

Tuesday 24 April 2012

"She's electric..."

I can't believe how quickly the weeks are speeding by and how (hopefully) Spring will soon be upon us-although judging by all the rain so far it is hard to believe...still "April showers bring May Flowers"! Let's hope so!!
 I spent the weekend doing something totally out of my arty/crafty comfort zone....Neon Lighting! I bought my best friend a 2.5 hr course as part of her xmas present and I went along too...Not something I would ever have considered doing but it was totally awe inspiring...quite magical how glass, heat, gas and electricity can create something so hypnotic. Needless to say I have booked myself back on a 1 day intensive course to hopefully create my own piece of Neon artwork..

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