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Love Lottie x

Saturday 9 August 2008

Sublime Stitching

My lovely new books arrived from Amazon today...full of great, modern/kitschy embroidery designs, printed onto re-useable transfer paper that you can use up to 9 times. I am now looking around for things that could do with a little embellishment!


Shelley said...

I've been looking at these books on amazon as I've recently taken up embroidery again. Are they worth buying?


lottie said...

Yep, I think so anyway! there are loads to do in them...although u prob don't need to buy both as they are very similar ( they were on an offer to buy together!) The big one is quite useful as it has storage pockets for the ones you cut out & info on types of stitches. I bought a plain tea cosy today that I want to embroider the heart/dagger image onto!

Shelley said...

Cool, it's my birthday next week so I'll email my bro and maybe he can buy me the bigger book! I'm making a sewing machine cover and am after some lovely patterns to embroider on that, sounds like this'll be perfect!
Shelley xxx

lottie said...

Defo! get it then we can compare our efforts!!