
Hello, thank-you for stopping by to take a look at my blog.

Apologies in advance! I am not very disciplined when it comes to this blogging lark so if I seem a little disorganised , or i have not updated it for months, even years.. it is most probably due to my lack of IT skills/ organisation/ lazyness!

Love Lottie x

Wednesday 13 August 2008

Tea cosy

I couldn't wait to get started on a design from my 'Sublime Stitching' book! I found a plain tea cosy at 'Dunelm Mill' for £3.99 & chose the heart & dagger transfer to embroider onto it.....Not sure if it needs a word to go inside the banner?.... what do you think?

1 comment:

Craft Matters said...

Great project Lottie. Looks like you have done a great job with the stitching. I am most tempted by that book - you have led me astray from buying a new crochet book!!